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carmela lavigna coyle


Edible School Yard: Support for planting school vegetable gardens.

Carmela Coyle: balloon

The Edible School Yard and the Farm To Table movements have inspired me to write, "The Toast That Jack Grew," a short tale about where an ordinary piece of toast comes from. I love gardens of all varieties. At my house we have a flower garden, a summer flowering porch, and we recently planted a Fairy Ring Garden, where tiny edibles grow—like fresh herbs and buttery lettuces. Photos coming soon!

Waldorf Education

"Awakens and inspires students' critical thinking, emotional intelligence and artistic expression, preparing them to bring relevant contributions to the world." PreK-12.

Unicef Tap Project Logo

It's a basic human right to drink a cup of clean, clear water. Yet many children go thirsty. Everyday. Thirsty for not only enough water to drink, but for safe water to drink.

Over 4000 children die a day from diseases caused by drinking unsafe water and inadequate sanitation. Clean water is everyones basic right. Please join me in supporting Unicef Tap Project.