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carmela lavigna coyle


Illustrated by Mike Gordon

Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs?

Along with her dad and pup, our princess takes off on another journey of discovery. Together they explore the great outdoors. She learns, not only about nature, but also about herself. They hike through exciting vistas, up mountains, and through the dark woods. Question, questions and more questions about princesses arise. As they arrive at a grand overlook, her true nature is revealed. She soon discovers that no matter who you are, a princess lies inside.

Carmela Signs Books

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Rising Moon Books, Hardcover Picture Book (ages 3-8), February 2005, ISBN: 978-0873588805

Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs?


"I love that the princess is on a walk with her involved, interested and caring father. Now that's a role model I want to see more of. I love that the princess is encouraged and cherished. And I love the colorful and inviting drawings that show us the wonders of life as the princess discovers each of them."
   —Armchair Interviews

"A really nice read-aloud for parents and teachers."
   —School Library Journal

"Mike Gordon's large and appealing drawings adeptly illustrate an engaging and recommended picture book story of a princess and her father who wander through the woods observing wonders. Scary woods encounters such as bees and dragons are revealed as a father tells his daughter what might be encountered in a woods walk—or not."
   —Midwest Book Review

"How lovely to see this father guard his daughter's imagination and spunk as well as protecting her from the fierce animals of the forest. Delightful and perfect for those young ones whose minds are forever exploring and wondering and asking great questions."
   —A Book And A Hug (read the full review)

"Long ago, princesses sat on thrones, wore dresses, and had names like Snow White and Cinderella. These days, 21st-century princesses are asking Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots?, Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs? and Do Princesses Scrape Their Knees? in charming picture books by Carmela Coyle."

"...Real princesses, after all, have the kindest hearts. And there's nothing fancier than being kind and polite...."
   —IndeOnline (read the full article)